Build the Community’s Design Plans

I join with my family, friends, and neighbors in calling on the Mayor and City Council to implement the Community’s Design Plans for the Tracy Aquatic Center. The current Aquatic Center design is the result of countless community volunteer hours in attending meetings and workshops to bring forward a project that meets the needs and desires of the community. These plans were completed at the request of the city, and which has had support from several previous city councils and city staff.

The Community Design Development Plans for the Aquatic Center has something for every resident in Tracy, regardless of age or ability. The attraction of the water amenities, coupled with the food and retail, and the community banquet hall, will draw people from throughout the region. The multi-phased design and buildout will be an economic driver for the city’s local economy.

We call on the city to cease its current efforts to unnecessarily start over and pursue alternative Aquatic Center design plans that will cost taxpayers an additional $750,000 and years in delays.

We further call on the City Council to stop putting politics before the needs of the community and implement the Community’s Design Plans for the Tracy Aquatic Center Now!

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